Technical tour to Rhodes

University of Florence
University of the Aegean
International Center for the Preservation of Architectural Heritage



schizzo di Evanghelos Pavlidis

April 3-9, 2001

Tour programme (in italian)

- Documentation and recording Fascist Architectural Heritage of Rhodes, relating to technical, scientific and legal aspects of the protection, preservation, restoration and management.
Help in overcoming the static conception of the heritage relevant to the Fascist Architectural Heritage.
- Esaminare gli interventi di rinforzo antisismico e di ripristino effettuati in tempi recenti con tecnologie analoghe a quelle originarie.
- Valutare proposte di salvaguardia e riqualificazione. Il patrimonio fascista di Rodi è stato recentemente rilevato da studiosi ad opera della Fondazione Agnelli e di diverse Università italiane. Il centro storico di Rodi, è stato dichiarato dall'Unesco Patrimonio dell'Umanità.

Costs: CICOP members: £.1.250.000, no CICOP members: £.1.350.000. All travel and accomodations costs are covered.
Reservation dead line: 28 February
Travel courier: Arch. Marcella Anzalone
For more information contact segretariat CICOP: 055.2491527 - 0333.2510400, fax: 055.2491523


Technical program:

  • 4 April, 9.00-13.00: visit to the colonial buildings along Mandraki: Hotel Rodon, Nomarchia, Municipality, National Theater, Post, Limenarcheion, Church, Enidreion (Acquarium).
  • 4 April, 17.00: Wellcoming refreshment. Afterwards "Round Table" on the theme: "The colonian architectural heritage at Dodecaneso: History, Degradation and Upgrading aspects"

    The italian partecipants at the Round Table are:

    Prof. Ing. Elio Giangreco, Prof. Emerito Università Federico II° di Napoli
    Prof. Ing. Ugo Caputo, Università di Napoli
    Arch. Marcella Anzalone, Università di Firenze
    Dott. Mario Moschi, Legnodoc-Firenze
    Prof. Carlo Cresti, Università di Firenze
    Prof. Ach. Valerio Di Battista, Politecnico di MI
    Prof. Arch. Armando Sichenze, Università di Basilicata
    Dr. Mariagrazia Benvenuti

  • 5 April h. 9.00-13.00: continue our visit to the colonial buildings along Mandraki:
    Actaion, Trapeza Ellados, Nea Agorà, Ekato Hourmadies.
    h. 15.00-17.00: technical tour to old city.
  • 6 April h. 9.00-13.00: Orfanotrofio, University of Egeo and other buildings (starting from Hotel Therme until the Stadium).
    h. 15.00-17.00: New meeting among experts and all inrerested persons on aim to organize an interdisciplinary greek-italian task group, which intent to offer concrete contributes regarding the requalification project of the ex-colonial architectural heritage.
  • 7 April h. 8.00-16.00: Technical tour to Profitis Ilias, Filerimos, Buterfly valley.
  • 8 April: LINDOS
  • 9 April morning: departure


Some aspects that could be treated during our technical meetigs:

  • Structural and Technological problems: evaluation of the residual characteristics of the structural (and non structural) elements;
  • Project financing e project planning for integrated interventions;
  • Quality Plan of interventions (ISO9000:2000);
  • Optimization (costs/benefits) of re-design proposals.