With the patronage of (under request):
UNESCO, Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Hellenic Ministry for the Environment Physical Planning and Public Works, Ministry of Instruction University and Scientific Research of Italy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activities of Italy, Ministry of Infrastructures and Trasportation of Italy, Prefecture of Dodeca nissa (Greece), Municipality of Rhodes (Greece), Municipality of Camiros (Greece), Eforia of Ancient Monuments of Rhodes (Greece), Technical Chamber of Greece - TEE, DO.CO.MO.MO. ASS.I.R.CO (Italy), Greek Institute of Architecture, ARCCHIP (Czech Republic), University of Florence (Italy), University of Aegean (Greece), University of Middlesex (England), University of Thessaloniki (Greece), University of Athens (Greece), Nottingham Trent University (England), Joint Research Center, European Commission, Ispra (Italy). The temporary program is the following: Date and place
The event will take place on 3-5 April 2002, in the City of Rhodes, Greece, to the Amphitheatre of Aegenean University
Aim of the Conference
The Conference will provide a forum for scientists and experts in the field of vulnerability of cultural heritage to natural and technological hazards field in order to improve and update information about scientific achievements and policy in risk management. RHODES is the appropriate location to discuss risk assessment and remedy strategies of the cultural heritage and for the expression of intra-European cooperation and exchanges between Europe and the other continents, because of its multiethnological and millenary culture. Scientific Program
Every work-session will be organised with keynote lectures, critical presentation of the papers by the session co-ordinator, oral presentation of papers presented by the participants, debates and poster sessions.
An international scientific committee will audit and select the papers. Chairpersons: Arch. F. Bandarin, Director of World Heritage Centre, UNESCO
Prof. Arch. N. Avramidou, President of CICOP- Italy Seminary Advisory Committee
Dr. S. Karagiannis (Mayor of Dodecanissa, Greece), Prof. Arch. N. Avramidou (University of Florence, President of CICOP-Italy), Prof. D. J. Ball (Middlesex University, England), Prof. Arch. L. Binda Mayer (Milan Polytechnic, Italy), Prof. Arch. J. Bozzano (University of Buenos Aires, President of CICOP-Argentina), Prof. Eng. Konstantin Delev (University of Foresty of Sofia, Bulgaria), Eng. M. Drdacky (UTAM, Czech Republic, CICOP), Prof. P. Fokiali (University of Aegean, Greece), Arch. A. Giacumakatos (DO.CO.MO.MO, Greece), Prof. Arch. E. Godoli (University of Florence, Italy), Prof. Eng. Ihsan (METU of Ancara, Turkey), Prof. M. Kaila (University of Aegean, Greece), Arch. G. Karydakis (Municipality of Rhodes, Greece), Prof. Eng. P. Karydis (National Technical University of Athens, Greece), Dr. A. Kasperavicien (ICOMOS Lituania), Dr Eng. C. G. Koh (National University of Singapore), Prof. Arch. M. Angel Matran (President of CICOP Federation, Spain), Arch. P. P. Mattioni (Municipality of Orvieto, CICOP-Italy), Arch. M. Manzoni (Milan, Italy), Helen Methodiou (Permanent Delegation of G reece, UNESCO, Paris, France), Prof. Eng. C. Page (Nottingham Trent University, England), Prof. S. Pavia (Fac. of Built Environment, Irland), Prof. A. Paraskevopoulou (University of Aegean, Greece), Prof. Eng. G. Penelis (University of Thessaloniki, Greece), Arch. S. Russo (Rome, Italy), Prof. M. Sarissky (PU, Slovakia), Prof. M. Savaidou (Aegean University, Greece), Arch. Christiane Schmukle-Mollard, (ICOMOS, France), Prof. Eng. Chiew Sing-Ping (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Prof. Eng. R. Sofronie (Unesco, Romania, CICOP), Prof. Arch. R. Suikkari (University of Oulu, Finland, CICOP), Dr C. T. Tam (CI-Premier, Singapore), Prof. Eng. G. Tampone (University of Florence, CICOP-Italy), Dr M. Urtane (University of Agricolture, Latvia), Eng. R. X. Tassiou (Athens, Greece), Prof. Eng. R.Tringali (University of Rome, Italy), Dr. J. Watt (Middlesex University, England), Minja Yang (UNESCO, Cultural Heritage, Paris, France). Secretariat
Arch. G. Barra, Arch. P. Caggiano, Arch. E. Ebermann, Arch. S. Gravero, Eng. F. Seide
CICOP-Italy, C/o Dep.tment TA & D, Via S. Niccolò 89a, 50125 Firenze, Italy
fax: +39.055.2491.523/2347.152/2280.216
e-mail: CICOP@comune.firenze.it,
web site: http://soalinux.comune.firenze.it/cicop
Prof. M. Savaidou, Dr. P. Fokiali, F. Karamanolis
University of Aegean, Rhodes
Tel: +30.241.99100/229 The H & mH 2002 International Conference is based on papers of top specialists with the aim to elaborate state of the art conclusions and to clearly formulate the most up-to-date recommendations in the area.
The subjects will consider: 1. Earthquake, Landslides, Fire, Floods, Winds, etc. 2. Weathering, Bio-deterioration, structural damage due to change in sub-soil conditions Case studies Prevention measures, conservation and restoration remedy and proposals.
as well as
II) Man made hazards: 1. Excessive or inappropriate use including mass tourism 2. Conservation practice 3. Inappropriate development 4. Lack of a coherent heritage policy 5. Unintended effects of social policies 6. Air pollution 7. Thefts, terrorism, war conflicts, arson, etc. 8. Case studies 9. Prevention measures, conservation and restoration remedy and proposals.
III) Risk assessment and management
1. Insurance 2. Failure analysis 3. Sustainable management of modern heritage 4. Inventory and agreed methods at local level 5. Risk management appraisal procedures and quality control 6. Standard systems of recording the existence, condition and threats to cultural heritage of 20th century
A special attention will be paid to cultural heritage as a possible risk generator including risks to visitors, accessibility for handicapped etc.. Call for Abstracts
Persons wishing to send papers are kindly requested to submit an abstract to the Conference Secretariat Organizers on or before 15 January 2002.
Abstracts in English must be typed single-spaced and be two pages long. Body text: times 11 pt, if possible. Figures are accepted.
Abstracts should include:
1. Related topic number 2. Name of author(s)
3. Title of the paper in capital letters
4. Name of the presenting author
5. Name, affiliation, address of the contact author. Call for Papers
Papers accepted for this conference should be written in English, with a maximum of 8 pages in length-typed, single-spaced, included figures and tables. The original and a copy should be sent by e-mail, or ordinary mail (floppy disc or CD-ROMs), to the Conference Secretariat Organizers, not later than 20 February 2002.
Body text: times 11 pt. Official Languages
English, Greek Proceedings
Papers presented at the Conference, will published in the Proceedings of the 1st H & mH 2002 International Conference, RHODES 2-5 April 2002. A copy of the proceedings will be distributed to all participants. Exhibition and Activities
A. Stands. There will be a space to host stands for technical literature, scientific instruments, products, and technologies for the rehabilitation, consolidation and maintenance. T he stands will be available to any firm and organization, showing interest to the Conference secretariat before 31 February 2002.
B. Exhibitions. Presentation of specific interventions will take place during the celebration of the Conference in exhibition spaces in the Rhodes area.
C. Award Ceremony. According to the previous CICOP congresses, a prize will be given to designers of great distinction operating in the cultural heritage conservation and restoration field. Other awards will pertain to the planning work or to the significance of the architectonic values of young designers who are going to work in this field.
D. Technical tours and post conference tours will be organised all around Dodecanissa Islands built environment. Special Sessions Topics and Organisers Architectural aspects & structural design on masonry and reinforce concrete mixed structures: The case of Dodecanissa (1912-1943) and other case studies in Europe
by Prof. Arch. N. Avramidou (CICOP-Italy) and Arch. G. Karydakis (Mun icipality of Rhodes, Greece)
Intangible Cultural Heritage and Built environment of the 20th century
by Prof. M. Angel Matran (CICOP-Spain), Prof. J. Bozzano (CICOP-Argentina) and Prof. Prof. M. Kaila (University of Aegean, Greece).
Registration Fees (*) in Euro
Before January 15, 2002 | Before 30 March 2002 | After 1 April 2002 | member | non member | member | non member | member | non member | CICOP | CICOP | CICOP | CICOP | CICOP | CICOP | 175 | 200 | 200 | 225 | 225 | 250 |
Modes of payment
1. Cheque (bank drafts or cheques must be drawn on an Italian Bank) - personal or international cheques are not acceptable).
2. Telegraphic Transfer in Euro to: CICOP-Italy, Account N° 1633, Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, Agenzia 30, viale Petrarca 120r - 50124 FIRENZE, Italy, CAB 02839, ABI 06160, SWIFT CRFI IT 3F.
Cancellation Policy: (only acceptable in writing to the Secretariat) Cancellation Policy: (only acceptable in writing to the Secretariat)
One week before date of conference: full refunds less 15% overhead / Administration charges; no refunds thereafter, however, a set of the conference documentation will be sent to you, or alternatively you may send a replacement (please advise name) at no extra cost.
(to be send to the Seminary Secretariat by post or by e-mail) 1st International Conference on "Vulnerability of 20th Century Cultural Heritage to Hazards and Prevention Measures" H & m H
Rhodes 2002 Name:................................................................................................ ............................................
City, State, Country, Mail code:...................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................................................... � I am planning to attend the conference and submit an abstract
� I am planning to attend the conference but not submit an abstract
� I wish to receive more information regarding possible partecipation in exhibits
� I do not expect to attend the conference but I would like receive more information Please, send future announcements to the followig persons(s) who may also be interested in attending the conference:
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E-mail:....................................................................................................................................... |