Born in 1930 in Kastoria, Greece, expert in Experimental Strength of Materials, Technical Mechanics, Elements of Technical Works, Reinforced Concrete Structures, Advanced Reinforced Concrete theory, Bridge design, Masonry Mechanics, Harbour Engineering, Philosophy of Technology, Soil Mechanics, Concrete Technology, Structural behaviour of Reinforced Concrete under static and seismic conditions, Foundation engineering, Landslides, Tunneling, Seismic assessment and strengthening of structures, Design of durability and repair.
Honorary Professor, SE University, Nanjing 1985, Dr. hon. causa, Liege University 1986, Fellow, American Concrete Institute 1986, Medal, the City of Paris 1986, Honorary President CEB 1988, Honorary Member RILEM 1989, Intern. Symposium on his 60 years career, Athens 1992, Honor Member, Tech. Chamber of Cyprus 1999, Dr. hon. causa, Democritos University, 2001 Hon. Pres. Greek Association of Philosophy 2003, Member of the Academy of Sciences, Torino 2004, Dr. hon. causa, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 2010, Fellow of Center of Aristotelian Studies (Thessaloniki) 2012.