Santi Maria Cascone was born in Catania (Italy – Sicily) in 1962. Since 1990, he has been teaching in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Catania (Italy), and now he is Full Professor of technical architecture (ICAR/10). In the past, he was elected member of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning and Vice Head of his department. In 2000, he become part of the “Università e Formazione” commission established at the National Council of Engineers. Now he is a member of the “Nucleo di Coordinamento per la valutazione ambientale della Regione Sicilia”, a member of the scientific society “Ar.Tec” and a National Committee Member of the Technical Board UNICT 033/SL 01/GL07 “Strutture in legno”. From 2016, he is also member of the Board of Directors of the “Centro di documentazione, ricerca e studi sulla cultura dei rischi”. From September 2013 to December 2017, he was the editor of the journal “Tecnica e Ricostruzione”. He has carried out many scientific articles, which can be grouped into five principal areas: building industrialization, recovery of historic centers, enhancement of the rural buildings, environmental assessment of buildings and Building Information Modeling.