Associate professor of architecture- Frederick University Cyprus
Nasso Chrysochou has a B.Arch degree from SCI-ARC- Southern California
Institute of Architecture, a Diploma in Architectural Conservation from ICCROM Rome, an M.A in conservation from York university and a Doctorate degree in Medieval Archaeology «Orthodox post-Byzantine monasteries of Cyprus», from the Dept of History /Archaeology, University of Cyprus.
She has maintained an architectural practise since 1992 and has worked as a conservation architect on innumerable projects of conservation of historic buildings and Monuments in Cyprus, has been twice awarded twice the Europa Nostra Award for conservation of Monuments in Cyprus and her work has been published in may local architectural magazines .
Research Interests
- Byzantine and post-byzantine ecclesiastical and monastic architecture research.
- Conservation of monuments and historic buildings, Vernacular Cypriot architecture.
Selected Publications
- Nasso chrysochou, “The Holy Monastery of Kykkos Byzantine and post-Byzantine archeology and art,” Kykkos Monastery, Nicosia 2001, 259-279.
- Nasso Chrysochou, “The Holy Monastery of Our Lady of Sindy: A sample of the Orthodox Church Architecture in the Venetian period in Cyprus”, Πρακτικά του Γ’ Κυπρολογικού Συνεδρίου, Nicosia 2001, 147-154.
- Nasso Chrysochou, Forthcoming -2017: “Ecclesiastical Architecture in Cyprus during the Venetian period” Meletai kai Ypomnimata, Makarios III Foundation. “
- Nasso Chrysochou, Vernacular architecture of Cyprus. The development and influences from the rural to the urban fabric. Εντυποι, 2014.
- Nasso Chrysochou, Forthcoming -2017: The Investigation and Comprehension of a Medieval Building in the Walled City of Nicosia, Proceedings of the “Lusignan and Venetian Cyprus, (1192-1571)” conference, Nicosia, 30 April 2014.
- Nasso Chrysochou, «Frankish-Venetian Cyprus: Effects of the Renaissance on the ecclesiastical architecture of the island», KTU’s Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering.(2016)
- Nasso Chrysochou, Forthcoming -2017: Πρακτικά συνεδρίου Κυπριολογικής εταιρίας «Η εξελικτική πορεία των δίκλιτων και διπλών ναών της Κύπρου κατά την λατινική περίοδο», Λευκωσία 23-24/11/13.