Athina Papadopoulou is an architect specializing in architectural conservation-restoration. From 1989-1999 she has practiced in the private sector, in Athens and Nicosia. Since 1999 until today she has been working for Nicosia Municipality at the bi-communal Nicosia Master Plan office.
During this period she has worked on projects, in a team comprising Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, ranging from several projects regarding new architecture as well as conservation work on monuments and other historic buildings. She has also been part of the team to propose new projects regarding the future planning, regeneration and development of Nicosia.
Since 2010 she is head of the Greek Cypriot team of the bi-communal Nicosia Master Plan office. She directs the NMP office and the majority of Nicosia Municipality development projects. Projects include bi-communal projects and co-funded projects under the Structural Funds of the European Union such as urban redesign and infrastructure upgrading in the historic center of Nicosia and sections of the new town.
Athina was leader architect for the project ‘’The Restoration of the Omeriye Ottoman Baths, Nicosia Cyprus’’ which was awarded First Prize in the category Conservation of Architectural Heritage of the European Union Cultural Heritage Prize / Europa Nostra Awards 2005. As member of the Nicosia Master Plan team she was awarded in 2007 the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 10th Cycle – Awarded to the Bi-communal Nicosia Master Plan.
She has served on Executive Committees of several professional associations and held the position of President of ICOMOS Cyprus Section from 2006 to 2015.
Since 2008 she is a Member of the bi-communal Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage (TCCH). The TCCH comprises of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots and through an agreed mechanism has implemented over 25 monument restoration projects all over Cyprus with funding predominantly from the European Union and local funds.