1947: Born in Chania, Crete|1972:Bachelor of Architecture|1973:Μaster of Arts in Architecture, University of Florida
Apprendships: Antoniadis’ Studio (Miami, U.S.A., 1973–75) | Mavrakakis’s Studio (Chania, Greece, 1977-81)
Since 1981: In partnership with Giorgos Varoudakis (A & G Varoudakis Architects Chania)
1994: Founding member of the Hellenic Institute of Architecture
2004–14: Assoc. Professor of Architectural Design,Technical University of Crete, 2012 Chairman of the department
Major distinctions for the Aristomenis & George Varoudakis studio:
- 1st Prize and assignment of the Great Arsenal in the Venetian-medieval harbour of Chania (2000), in collaboration with: Kostas Mavrakakis, Grammatopoulos, Panousakis, Kizis
- 1999: “20th-century Architecture: Greece” exhibition, Architecture Museum in Frankfurt
- 2008: “The house – from the 20th to the 21st century” exhibition, Benaki Museum, Athens
- 2009: a major retrospective exhibition of Varoudakis brothers works, Benaki Museum, Athens