Apostolos Sarris holds a B.A. in Astronomy & Physics (1985) and an M.A. in Physics (1988) from Boston University and a M.Sc. (1990) and a Ph.D. in Physics/Geophysics (1992) from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is Research Director and Head of GeoSat ReSeArch Lab of FORTH, a Research Associate of the Dept. of Anthropology, The Field Museum of Natural History of Chicago, Illinois, USA and a contracted lecturer of the University of Aegean. Apostolos Sarris acted as Vice-Chair of the International Society of Archaeological Prospection (ISAP) and he is currently President of CAA-GR, Secretary of UISPP Commission IV, and associate editor of the Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences Journal and of Archaeological Prospection Journal. He is also a Member of the International Expert Group for the Russian Science Foundation and of the Evaluation Panel for the European Science Foundation.