BRAU5 Syria Program

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(EEST / UTC +3)


BRAU5 Syria
April 28, 2021

On digital platform Zoom


Due to connection difficulties, all presentations are recorded.



Eng. Gianluca Rodonò, University of Catania, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Eng. Angelo Monteleone, University of Catania, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture

10:00 – Welcome

10:10 – 10:30

Institutional Greetings

Prof. Arch. Nina Avramidou, Founder and Honorary President of the Biennial BRAU, President of CICOP Italia

Prof. Arch. Nuhad Abdallah, Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Lattakia, Syria

Prof. Arch. Maria Rita Amoroso, President of CICOP Net Brazil (video)

Prof. Eng. Amir Causevic, President of CICOP Net Confederation, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (message)

Prof. Eng. Assia Harbi, Centre of Research of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Geophysics, Algeria, winner of the Hypatia International Award (message)


10:30 – Arch. Benedetta Maio, Board Member CICOP Italia
Presentation of CICOP Italia, initiator, promoter and international coordinator of BRAU

“CICOP Italia: 27 years of cultural commitment with exclusive social purposes”

10:40 – Prof. Arch. Nina Avramidou, Founder and Honorary President of the Biennial BRAU, Italy

“Biennial BRAU 5: origins, developments and expectations”


11:30 – Prof. Arch. Nuhad Abdallah, Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Lattakia, Syria

“Some effects of war on Syrian civilizations: civilized world, save human history”

11:45 – Prof. Eng. Andreas Georgopoulos, Laboratory of Photogrammetry School of Rural & Surveying Engineering, NTUA, Greece / Prof. Eng. Antonia Moropoulou, Emeritus Professor of NTUA, Greece

“The Geometric Documentation at the Service of the Rehabilitation of the Tomb of Christ”

12:.00 – Liliane Janine Nizzola, Superintendent at IPHAN Santa Catarina / Marco Antônio Minozzo Gabriel, PhD Candidate in Conservation of the Architectural Heritage at Politecnico di Milano

“Timber, brick and stone: the Italian immigrants’ heritage in Santa Catarina between decadence and valorization”

12:15 – Beatriz Piccolotto Siqueira Bueno, Historian and Associate Professor, School of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidade de São Paulo

“Architectural and documental heritage at risk: São Paulo palimpsest”

12:30 – Dr Georgios Artopoulos, Assistant Professor, STARC Department, The Cyprus Institute / Marissia Deligiorgi / Stavroula Thravalou / Kristis Alexandrou

“Data-driven Integrated Practices for the Study and Protection of Built heritage”

12:45 – Arch. Eng. Stavroula Thravalou, Research Associate at University of Cyprus / Natasa Kotsoni / Maria Philokyprou

“Typological and morphological analysis of Sachnisi; a timber projection in vernacular urban dwellings of the Eastern Mediterranean”

13:00 – Fernanda Bianchi Neves Taques Bittencourt, Graduate from Architecture and Urbanism College at Universidade de São Paulo

“Contradictions of the Memory at ‘Ladeira da Memória’: Urban Statigraphy and Conservation Chalenges of Sao Paulo’s Oldest Monument”

13:15 – Roberto Toffoli, Faculdadade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo

“Reusing modern spaces: project Cidade Matarazzo, São Paulo, Brazil”

13:30 – Prof. Eng. Vincenzo Sapienza, University of Catania, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Italy

“Innovative strategies for the protection and enhancement of the archaeological cultural heritage in the ancient Greek colony of Megara Hyblaea in Sicily”

13:45 – Arch. Theodora Hadjipetrou, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus

“The Folk art of stone carvings in Vernacular Architecture in Cyprus: the case of traditional settlements in the Akamas region”

14:00 – Arch. Maria Nodaraki, Research Assistant, University of Cyprus

“Creating an inventory of Modern architectural heritage in Cyprus”

14:15 – Conclusion