BRAU5 Brazil Program

All times are in local time of Brasilia
(BRT / UTC -3)


Portuguese↔English simultaneous translation available


BRAU5 Brazil Day 1
April 19, 2021

On digital platform Zoom



Arch. Eduardo Leite Souza (website ARCHDAILY)

10.00 – 11.10

Institutional greetings

Mr Atilio Colitti, Honorary Consul of Italy in Florianopolis

Eng. Mauro Luiz Bresolin, President of the Italo-Brazilian Circle of Santa Catarina

Mr. Alvaro Cotomacci, Honorary Consul of Italy in Campinas (video)

Mr. Filippo La Rosa, Consul General of Italy in São Paulo

Prof. Dr. Carlos Augusto Mattei Faggin, President Secretary of the State Government of the Culture of São Paulo CONDEPHAAT

Prof. Arch. Eduardo Romero de Oliveira, President of Brazilian Committee for the conservation of the Industrial Heritage, TICCIH, Brazil

Prof. Arch. Renato da Gama Rosa, President of DO.CO.MO.MO Brazil

Prof. Arch. Leonardo B. Castriota, President of ICOMOS Brazil

11.10 – 12.25

Inaugural greetings

11.10 – Prof. Eng. Amir Causevic, President of CICOP Net Confederation, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

11.15 – Prof. Eng.  Assia Harbi, Centre of Research of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Geophysics, Algeria

11.20 – Arch. Benedetta Maio, Board Member CICOP Italia

“Presentation of Cicop Italia, promoter of the event and international coordinator: 27 years of cultural commitment with exclusive social purposes”

11.30 – Arch. Francesco Bandarin, president of the Associazione Nazionale Centri Storico- Artistici (ANCSA), former President of the World Heritage Center, UNESCO, and UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Culture, member of the selection committee for the Aga Khan Architecture Award Italy

11.45 – Prof. Arch. Nina Avramidou, Founder and Honorary President of the Biennial BRAU, Italy

“Biennial BRAU 5: origins, developments and expectations”

12.15 – Dr. Ayat Helmihy, vice-president of Confederation CICOP Net, Egypt

“The importance of the Biennal BRAU in Egypt”


12.25 – Prof. Arch. PhD. Maria Rita Amoroso, president of CICOP Net Brasil, Brazil

“The role of Brazil in BRAU5 – aspects of Italian immigration and its cultural production in Brazil at the beginning of the last century”

12.45 – Prof. Arch. Ezio Godoli, President Ce.DA.Cot, CICOP Italy Board member, Italy

“On the Italian immigration and its cultural production in Brazil at the beginning of the last century”

13.00 – Nestor Goulart Reis Filho (video)

“Por uma Nova Política de Preservaçao do Espaço Intra-Urbano / For a New Policy of Preserving Intra-Urban Space”

13.15 – Beatriz Piccolotto Siqueira Bueno (video)

“Patrimônio Arquitetônico e Documental em Risco: São Paulo Palimpsesto Architectural and documental heritage at risk: São Paulo palimpsest”

13.30 – Miguel Antonio Buzzar & equipe

“Arquitetura de Italianos no Estado de São Paulo / Italians’ architecture from São Paulo State”

13.45 – Natália Cappellari de Rezende, Maria Angela Pereira de Castro e Silva Bortolucci (video)

“Italianos na construção da modernidade urbano-arquitetônica no nordeste de São Paulo – Brasil / Italians in the construction of urban-architectural modernity in the northeast fo São Paulo, Brazil”

14.00 – Debate


BRAU5 Brazil Day 2
April 20, 2021

On digital platform Zoom



Arch. Renata Sunega


10.00 – Prof. Arch. Roberto Corazzi

“La Cupola della Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore a Firenze”

10.15 – Julio Posenato

“A arquitetura da imigração italiana no Brasil”

10.30 – Fábio Domingos Batista, Moisés Julierme Stival Soares

“Architecture of the Italian immigrant in Santa Felicidade, Curitiba-PR, Brazil”

10.45 – Moisés Julierme Stival Soares, Deborah Agulham Carvalho, Geslline Giovana Braga e Letícia Nardi

“Italianity and built heritage: a discussion on the identity and conservation of the cultural heritage of Italian immigrants in Curitiba and in the metropolitan region, Brazil”

11.00 – Ivilyn Weigert e Fabio Junior de Almeida

“The Southwest of Paraná and the Italian-Brazilian architectural heritage”

11.15 – Liliane Janine Nizzola, Marco Antônio Minozzo Gabriel

“Madeira, tijolo e pedra: o Patrimônio dos imigrantes italianos em Santa Catarina entre a decadência e a valorização. / Timber, brick and stone: the Italian immigrants’ heritage in Santa Catarina between decadence and valorization”

11.30 – Ana Paula Cittadin, Renata Laís Bogo, Virgínia Gomes de Luca

“Uma análise grafica dos edificios da imigração italiana no sul do Estado de Santa Catarina / A graphical analysis of the buildings of Italian immigrants in the south of the State of Santa Catarina”

11.45 – Nedi Terezinha Locatelli

“Girànii, flowers, proverbs and people to promote the Talian Language”

12.00 – Elisa Taveira, Stephanie Marques

“Patrimônio Cultural da Imigração Italiana no Espírito Santo: perspectivas para o reconhecimento e proteção / Cultural Heritage of Italian immigration in Espírito Santo: Perspectives for the recognition and protection”

h. 12.15 – Julio Posenato

“Arquitetura: da Itália ao Rio Grande do Sul”

12.30 – Sabrina Lima Fechine de Alencar

“Desenvolvimento de um modelo numérico da Cúpula de Brunelleschi, Florença”

12.45 – Lucio Gomes Machado

“Proteção do Patrimônio no Brasil e o alargamento de conceitos / The Protection of Heritage in Brazil and the broadening of concepts”

13.00 – Fernanda Carvalho

“O Liceu de Artes e Ofícios de São Paulo: Heranças e Saberes Compartilhados em Risco / Sao Paulo Lyceum of Arts and Crafts: shared inheritances and knowledge at risk”

13.15 – Lindener Pareto Jr.

“O Encanto dos Mestres Construtores Italianos e a Arquitetura Eclética nos Suburbios de São Paulo / The charm of the Capomastri: Italian builders and the eclectic architecture in the suburbs of São Paulo”

13.30 – Debate


BRAU5 Brazil Day 3
April 21, 2021

On digital platform Zoom



Renata Sunega


10.00 – Barbara Martins

“Toca’s distillery in Ilhabela-Brazil: part of memories’ distillation”

10.15 – Tobias Bonk Machado, Rachel Krul Tessari, Moisés Julierme Stival Soares

“Santa Felicidade: The Church’s restoration as a perpetuation of the Italian-Brazilian heritage”

10.30 – Antonio Carlos Rodrigues Lorette

“Cemitérios italianos no Sudoeste de Minas Gerais: Prévio reconhecimento para sua preservação e restauro”

10.45 – Fernanda Bianchi Neves Taques Bittencourt

“Contradições da Memória na ‘Ladeira da Memória’: Estratigrafia Urbana e Desafios de Preservaçao do Mais Antigo Monumento de São Paulo / Contradictions of the Memory at ‘Ladeira da Memória’: Urban Statigraphy and Conservation Chalenges of Sao Paulo’s Oldest Monument”

11.00 – Luciano Migliaccio,  Beatriz Piccolotto Siqueira Bueno, Stefano Bertocci, Regina Helena Vieira Santos, Renata Maria de Almeida Martins

“LabSAMPA – Cooperaçao Científica e Tecnológica entre a Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo e o Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze for the Historical Documentation of Architectural Heritage in São Paulo / LabSAMPA – Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo and the Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze for the Historical Documentation of Architectural Heritage in São Paulo.”

11.15 – Mirza Pellicciotta, Fabio di Mauro

“Zeladoria do Patrimönio Edificado Paulista como Proposição Conservativa”

11.30 – Taiana Vidotto

“First, identify and document. Then protect and recover. The modern architectural heritage in Sorocaba”

11.45 – Roberto Toffoli

“O Reuso de Espaços Modernos em São Paulo: o Empreendimento Cidade Matarazzo”

12.00 – Lucas Henrique Gregate de Araujo, Rita de Cássia Francisco (video)

“Italian architecture in Campinas: the performance of non-gratuate licensed architects“

12.15 – Marina Guimarães Destro, Joana D’arc de Oliveira, Leila Maria Massarão, Maísa Fonseca de Almeida, Mariana Fragali Pane, Mayara Capistrano Costa Fook, Miguel Antônio Buzzar

“Italian´s architecture in São Carlos city, Brazil”

12.30 – Maisa Almeida, Andrea Pizzaia

“Italian immigrants built Araraquara – contributions of italian immigrants in the building construction”

12.45 – Bruna Fregonezi, Nadia Somekh

“Managing Historic neighbourhoods: preservation and participation”

h. 12.50 – Nina Avramidou

“The Charm of Decay of the Masonry Constructions”

13 .15 – 14.00 – Fórum e considerações finais / Forum and final remarks

“O patrimônio cultural compartilhado / The Shared Cultural Heritage”

Brazil: “A arquitetura compartilhada no Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Espírito Santo: passado, presente e futuro / The shared architecture in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Espírito Santo: past, present and future”

Greece: “A arquitetura compartilhada na Grécia (5 ilhas do mar Egeu): passado, presente e futuro / The shared architecture in Greece (5 Aegean Islands  ): past, present and future”

Italy: “Sobre a imigração italiana e sua produção cultural no Brasil no início do século passado / On the Italian immigration and its cultural production in Brazil at the beginning of the last century”

Palestrantes / speakers:

  • Francesco Bandarin, Italy
  • Julio Posenato, Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Liliane Janine Nizzola, Brazil, Santa Catarina
  • Moisés Julierme Stival Soares, Brazil, Paraná
  • Miguel A. Buzzar & Beatriz P. S. Bueno, Brazil, São Paulo
  • Elisa Taveira, Brazil, Espírito Santo
  • Ezio Godoli, Italy
  • Nina Avramidou & Benedetta Maio, Italy
  • Maria Rita Amoroso & Lucio Gomes, Brazil