Renata Prescia is Professor of Architectural Restoration at the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo.
Her studies have been mainly focused on the connection between history , architectural projects and restoration that characterize all the interventions on pre-existing constructions and also on the problems posed by the historic cities with reference to their (diffused) preservation related to natural and seismic risks and also with reference to their reutilization in accord with the rules of different communities , safeguarding the historic characteristics of the city itself.
She is interested in the problems typical of the Sicilian area but also in the national and international zones .(Grundtvig 2008, 2° Coloquio Internacional RIGPAC Florence 2012, Workshop Conservation EAAE Bucarest 2011, Rome 2013, La Coruna 2017).
She is the author of approximately 50 papers which have been presented at conferences or published in journals and books ; among them “Why be interested in Modern architecture?” (2011), “Restoration in Palermo” (2012), “Arab-Norman heritage: state of knowledge and new actions and innovative proposals” (2017).
She teaches Architectural Restoration Laboratory at the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo and she is supervisor for several degree thesis.