Dates: 21-22 April, 2018
Venue: INP Laboratoire, University of Manouba, Tunis

Final Program
Poster (PDF)
Local co-organizers
Click here for contact info.
- Prof. Ahmed Saadaoui, Prof. of History and Archeology, Director of Maghreb Laboratory of Archeology and Architecture, Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities, University of Manouba
- Prof. Arch. Leïla Ammar, National School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tunis
Local Session Honorary President
- Arch. Mounir Bouchenaki, Director of the Arab Regional Centre for World Heritage, former Director of ICCROM
Local Session Presidents
- Prof. Ahmed Saadaoui, University of Manouba, Tunis
- Prof. Arch. Leïla Ammar, Tunis
- Prof. Arch. Ezio Godoli, University of Florence, Directive Committee of CICOP Italy
Masterly conferences
- Prof. Eng. Theodosios Tassios, Emeritus Prof. of NTU of Athens, Greece
“The submerged Ancient Greek Technology: From the ship-sheds of Piraeus to the shipwreck of Antikythera”, video conference
- Prof Arch. Leïla Ammar, National School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tunis
“The basilica of Damous al Karita in Cartago, a hidden and obstructed heritage” - Prof. Arch. Ezio Godoli, University of Florence, Directive Committee of CICOP Italy
“Tirana: an example of the valorisation of anti-atomic bunkers” (co-author Ulisse Tramonti) - Prof. Arch. Nina Avramidou, President of CICOP Italy and CICOP Net Confederation
“The charm of decay of the masonry buildings”
Local Patronages